VNOP Pre-conference Workshop 2020
In light of the COVID19 pandemic, we have unfortunately decided to cancel the VNOP Preconference workshop 2020.
We are currently making plans to hold the workshop together with the VNOP conference in May 2021. Please be patient as we pursue our options regarding the details. We will stay in touch.
We are happy to announce the first summer school activity of the VNOP: A pre-conference workshop on 18 May, 2020.
The topic of the workshop is “Applied Longitudinal Modeling with Mplus”.
The workshop will provide hands on experience on the basics of modelling growth with longitudinal data and how to conduct tour first growth model in Mplus*. The workshop will include showcasing briefly how to do this with questionnaire data, categorical data, and functional/structural brain data.
- Location: Amsterdam Casa Hotel
- Time: 10.00-18.00 hrs
- Workshop organizers: Jan Boom & Anrik Becht
- Costs: 69 euro for VNOP members (including lunch and catering)
- How to register: tba
Please mail for more information
* Temporary fill license included. Bring your own device. We will also use Excel.