Our organisation
Organisational structure
VNOP is a society (vereniging) with individual members. However, the core of the society was formed by all departments of Developmental Psychology and some departments of Pedagogics in the Netherlands or Flanders. Up to 2015 we used to have a system in which this registration fee for all employees of the supporting departments was paid by these departments collectively. However, this is not allowed anymore in all institutions, due to fiscal and other regulations. Therefore, the VNOP has decided that, from 1 of January 2016 onwards, members have to make an individual payment to the VNOP.
VNOP Board
The VNOP board is formed of one representative from each of the participating universities. There is also a PhD student representative from each university. One of these PhD students is also a board member and attends the board meetings that take place four times a year. See the list on the right for the names of the representative board members.
Here you can download the by-laws (statuten) of our association.
Here you can download the minutes of the last General Assembly (30/05/2024).
VNOP Officers and Board of Directors
- Helle Larsen, Chair
(University of Amsterdam) - Anita Harrewijn, Secretary
(Erasmus University Rotterdam) - Sheida Novin, Treasurer
(Utrecht University) - Ralf Cox
(University of Groningen) - Marieke Bos
(Leiden University) - Barbara Braams
(Vrije University Amsterdam) - Hans Stauder
(University of Maastricht) - Geertjan Overbeek
(University of Amsterdam) - Manon van Scheppingen
(Tilburg University) - Pauline Jansen
(Erasmus University Rotterdam) - Luc Goossens
(KU Leuven University) - Matteo Giletta
(Ghent University) - Anna Tyborska
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
PhD representatives
- Merlin Nieterau* (University of Amsterdam)
- Yentl Koopmans
(KU Leuven) - Anke Visscher
(Tilburg University) - Marije ten Den
(Groningen University) - Anna van Doorn
(Utrecht University) - Nina Krupljanin
(Leiden University) - Ines Lucieer
(Erasmus University Rotterdam) - Mèlanie Sloover
(Radboud University Nijmegen) - Ana da Silva Pinho
(University of Amsterdam) - Scarlett Slagter
(University of Amsterdam) - Tatvan Todor
(Vrije University Amsterdam) - Berdien Vrijders
(Ghent University, Belgium) - Jakke Coenye
(Ghent University, Belgium)
* PhD representative board member