VNOP Conference 2018
The biannual 2018 VNOP conference was held in Wageningen on 15-16 May 2018. Here you can download the final conference program.
The winner of the 2018 VNOP Dissertation Award was Meike Slagt with her dissertation “Red cheeks, sweaty palms, and coy-smiles: The role of emotional and socio-cognitive disturbances in child social anxiety”.
The winner of the 2018 VNOP conference Poster Award was Mara van der Meulen (Leiden University) with her poster “Heritability of neural reactions to social exclusion and prosocial behavior in middle childhood”.
The winner of the 2018 VNOP conference Flask Talk Award was Pamela D. Browne (Radboud University Nijmegen) with her talk “Maternal postnatal psychosocial distress and its association with cortisol levels and immunological composition in breast milk”.