VNOP Lab visit 2015 Nijmegen

The VNOP Lab Visit 2015 at Radboud University Nijmegen was held on February 9th. Below you can find the final program.

Program VNOP Lab Visit

11:00 – 11:15: Welcome and introduction (including coffee/tea and cookies)

11:15 – 12:30: Interactive Workshop: Stress in Infants and Children (by Carolina de Weerth)

12:30 – 13:45: Lunch (provided)

13:45 – 15:15: Interactive Workshop: Longitudinal Studies (by Toon Cillessen)

15.15-15.30: Coffee/tea (and cookies) break

15.30-17.00: Lab Demo’s:

–  Peer relations: Sociometric questionnaires, implicit measures, behavioral                              paradigms

–  Temporal discounting tasks: Waiting vs. working  &  money vs. candy

–  Simulator Infant: A behavioral paradigm to assess reactions to crying

–  Stress tasks among 6 year olds

–  Cognitive adaptation to harsh environments tasks

–  Posters of current research projects

17:00 – 17:30 Lab Demo: “Games for health” + Drinks