Assistant Professor Developmental Psychology (0.8 – 1.0 FTE), Utrecht University


The Department of Psychology has a job opening for an Assistant Professor. The position is embedded within the Section of Developmental Psychology at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (Utrecht University). The position involves teaching (60%) and research (40%).

The Developmental Psychology Section is a thriving and international group of academics committed to understanding the psychological processes that help youth reach their potential, and educating new generations of academic professionals and youth experts. Our core values are collegiality, curiosity, and ambition to creating and disseminating knowledge that matters.

You are committed to delivering high quality education to our Bachelor’s programme (Psychology) or our international Master’s programmes (Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology; Development and Socialisation in Childhood and Adolescence). Teaching activities will depend on your expertise and be determined in consultation with our teaching coordinator. Teaching responsibilities will typically involve course coordination, teaching lectures or workgroups, and individual student supervision (e.g., research theses, internships). Teaching in the Bachelor is in Dutch, in the Master in English.

You will establish and expand on an independent line of research aligning with and complementing the section’s research program. You will also foster research collaboration within the section and broader UU community (e.g., by advising junior colleagues and contributing to joint research). Our section prioritizes theory-driven research that fosters basic understanding of social/personal growth and maladjustment, and interventions to promote the former and prevent the latter. Much of our research addresses societal challenges relevant to youth, in line with Utrecht University’s Dynamics of Youth strategic theme. You will be supported to publish and disseminate high quality research with societal impact, and to seek external research funding. The Section also strongly supports open science initiatives and practices, such as sharing data and pre-registering hypotheses.


We believe that individual and collective achievements should be in balance. For this reason, we aim for and assess both individual and team performance. We stimulate good academic leadership at all levels. We also encourage the dissemination of research findings to society.

We aim to appoint a colleague who subscribes to the values above and meets the requirements below:


  • strong commitment to quality of teaching and student supervision;
  • proven effectiveness of teaching and student supervision as evident from student learning outcomes;
  • basic Teaching Qualification (BKO), or willingness to acquire one soon;
  • experience with course coordination or educational innovation is not necessary, but would be a plus;


  • potential to do high quality research, demonstrated by publications of rigorous studies that have innovated the field;
  • potential to develop an independent programme of research that aligns with and complements the Section’s expertise;
  • experience with ensuring societal impact of your research or obtaining external research funding is not necessary, but would be a plus;

Personal attributes and background

  • team orientation: positive, interdependent attitude and proven examples of academic citizenship.

Candidates with a PhD in developmental psychology or neighboring discipline are invited to apply. We welcome applications from both Dutch and international candidates. We would ask international candidates to learn Dutch. This would enable you to teach in our Bachelor’s programme and may also help to connect with colleagues. We offer free Dutch language courses.


We offer an exicting opportunity to work in a collaborative, social and dedicated team. We will guide you in your research and teaching tasks, wich will help you develop your academic career.
We offer a position for a period of 1 year (0,8-1,0 fte). After a positive evaluation, the appointment will be made permanent:

  • Salary will range – depending on previous qualifications and experience – from a minimum of
    € 3,746.00 to a maximum of € 5,826.00 gross per month based on a full-time employment (scale 11/12 according to the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities);
  • The salary is supplemented with an annual holiday pay of 8%, and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% per year;
  • We also offer a pension scheme.

We encourage you to grow professionally, and we support a healthy work-life balance. That’s why we offer employment benefits such as professional development, leave arrangements, partially paid parental leave and sports. We also give you the opportunity to expand your terms of employment via the Employment Conditions Selection Model. 

And that’s not all. We are happy with you as a new employee and are happy to give you a warm welcome. To that end, we host a good introduction process for our new colleagues where we will introduce you and show you around our Faculty and University.

For more information, please visit Working at Utrecht University.


A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At Utrecht University, the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major societal themes. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Sustainability.

The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences is one of the leading faculties in Europe for research and academic teaching in cultural anthropology, educational sciences, interdisciplinary social science, pedagogical sciences, psychology and sociology. We are a Faculty at the heart of society and one which cooperates closely with others. Our almost 6,000 students are enrolled in a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programmes. We have approximately 900 Faculty and staff members, who all work closely together to educate and train young talent and to research and find solutions to scientific and societal issues. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth and Institutions for Open Societies.

The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences aspires to have a diverse body of staff and students and strives to create and sustain a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, in line with Utrecht University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy.


For additional information, please contact prof. Sander Thomaes by email: