Lecture by Prof. dr. Margaret Burchinal
On February 12, 15.45-16.45, Prof. dr. Margaret Burchinal from the FPG Child Development Institute of the University of North Carolina will visit the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences of Utrecht University to give a presentation about early child care and education.
Prof. dr. Margaret Burchinal is a leading researcher and statistician in child care research. She has demonstrated that high quality child care may be especially important in reducing racial and economic gaps at entry to school. During her presentation she will discuss findings from some of the child care studies of the past 30 years and the extent to which each substantially affected policy or practice.
The presentation will be at the Langeveld building (Heidelberglaan 1), in the Faculteitskamer (E 3.14). If you would like to attend the meeting, please send an e-mail to Martine Broekhuizen (M.L.broekhuizen@uu.nl).