VNOP lab visit in Rotterdam

We are pleased to invite you to the VNOP lab visit on Friday June 9 2023 from 13:00 to 17:30 at the campus of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Address: Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062 PA Rotterdam.

The aim of the lab visit is to show the different research labs embedded in or hosted by the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC, from a plenary tour and lecture to interactive workshops.

Program at a glance:
13:00 Coffee and welcome
13:30 Plenary session with lab tour (with pitches about EEG, VR, and the Love Lab)
14:30 Parallel workshops 

      “Society, Youth and Neuroscience Connected – the SYNC Lab” 

            “Lab-based experiments for young children – Erasmus Family Lab”

15:15 Break

15.45 Parallel workshops 

      “A sneakpeak into the population-based Generation R Study” 

      “Sharing Science with Young Minds: A Workshop on Writing for Frontiers for Young Minds”

16:30 Drinks
17:30 Dinner (at own costs)

Please register May 22nd at latest, by filling out this form.

On behalf of the organizing committee,
Pauline Jansen, Anita Harrewijn, Sophie Sweijen and Ines Lucieer