Call VNOP dissertation award
The VNOP announces the 2022 dissertation award!
This biennial price is awarded to the best dissertation written by VNOP members, with at least one of the supervisors being also a VNOP member. Eligible are candidates who defended/are going to defend their dissertation between March 1, 2020 and March 1, 2022. The winner will receive a certificate and 250 euro.
The award will be presented during the upcoming VNOP conference, which takes place on May 24-25 in Utrecht (for more information, see
Candidates should submit the following materials before March 1, 2022 by e-mail to
- A digital version of their dissertation,
- A plea of one of their (co-) promotors of why the candidate deserves the award.
For questions, please mail the VNOP (
We are looking forward to receiving your nominations!