CAS course data collection
Dear PhD candidate,
This academic year, we (PhD-candidates/post-docs from Child and Adolescent Studies at Utrecht University) organize a course on data collection, its many pitfalls and effective strategies, starting mid-October (see information below). To participate, please register via this link, no later than Monday October 2nd.
Data collection for longitudinal youth research (2 ECTS)
For many PhD candidates (and other early career researchers), data collection takes up a large part of their time. Properly preparing for data collection can eliminate a lot of stress and extra work later while collecting your data, analyzing the results, or writing papers. Yet, most researchers did not receive any formal training on how to coordinate data collection, which means we constantly keep reinventing the wheel. The goal of this course is to prepare you for your longitudinal data collection among youth, so that at the end of the course, you have knowledge and tools that you can directly apply to your own data collection.
The course consists of five morning sessions, in which we will dive into and work on a specific aspect of your data collection (e.g., method specification, participant communication, registration systems, and data anticipation). These sessions consist of interactive lectures and hands-on workshops, where there is plenty of room to ask questions, exchange experiences, and share your personal struggles and successes. Being able to learn from each other is a key aspect of this course, which is why you are expected to be present at each session, should you enroll. Course material further includes online knowledge clips, templates, and examples from existing research projects, such as flyers, information letters, and data management protocols.
For whom?
This course is mainly directed at PhD candidates who are involved in data collection but is open to all early career researchers (e.g., junior researchers, post-docs, and (research) master students are also welcome). A requirement for this course is that your current project involves plans to collect longitudinal data in samples involving children and/or adolescents. If you’re already some time into your data collection, this course is not very well suited for you, as many of the topics will already be in the past. If this is the case for you, or you are unsure if this course fits your needs, please contact us to discuss which parts of our course might be of specific help to your project.
It is a 10-week course, consisting of 5 bi-weekly sessions with a duration of 3,5 hours each. Sessions take place on Tuesdays 09:30-13:00 on October 17, October 31, November 14, November 28, and December 12. Sessions are held on location at Utrecht Science Park (Heidelberglaan 1/Padualaan 14, Utrecht). There are no costs for participating.
Questions? Contact Amanda van Loon (
Want to register? Use this link:
Kind regards on behalf of all course organizers,
Dr. Amanda van Loon, Post-doc (course coordinator)
Esther Bernasco, PhD-candidate (course coordinator)
Judith van de Wetering, PhD-candidate
Dr. Natasha Koper, Post-doc
Dr. Zoë Rejaän, Post-doc