Dutch Scholars Reception SRCD 2017
Kickstart your international research netwerk @ SRCD 2017!
You are cordially invited to attend the Dutch Scholars Reception SRCD 2017
on Friday April 7, 19:00 to 20.00 hours, in Meeting Room 13A (level 4) of the Austin Convention Center 500 E. Cesar Chavez St. Austin, TX 78701.
We would like you to invite international colleagues to come to this reception and mingle with Dutch Scholars. Therefore, we encourage you to take an international colleague with you and attend this event, sponsored by VNOP, ISED, and CAS.
The Dutch Scholars Reception at the 2015 SRCD conference was a huge success and very well attended.
Light snacks and a cash bar will be provided. The luxurious ambiance of the Center implies that drinks will be expensive. Fortunately, thanks to generous gifts of the above-mentioned societies we offer one free drink ticket for each introduce (international attendee; till we run out). So please invite a colleague and if you present them as your guest at the entrance of the room, we give her or him a free drink ticket with compliments of the Dutch Scholars Societies combined.
All Dutch colleagues are welcome. We have sent out this email to anyone in the SRCD program with a Dutch university affiliation, through the VNOP newsletter engine*. If you are not attending or just not interested, please opt out below. If you are enthusiastic, please leave a reply on the VNOP blog (top right text balloon symbol) and indicate that you are planning to attend (perhaps we need more free tickets). Unlike last time in 2015 you don’t necessarily need to be a member of ISED, VNOP or CAS because it was too much administrative hassle to keep track of it. Feel free to pass this invitation on any Dutch colleague we might have missed.
* Just for convenience and because of temporary technical problems with the ISED newsletter we used the mailer from VNOP. If you speak a few words Dutch we assume you are a Dutch Scholar (which includes Leuven)