Radboud Summer School course ‘Peer Relations and Interactions in Childhood and Adolescence’
Radboud Summer School organizes a summer course on peer relations and interactions in childhood and adolescence from Monday July 1 to Friday July 5, 2019. During this interactive course you will gain extensive knowledge of past and current peer relations research. You will also learn to use state of the art research measures and paradigms to assess peer relations and interactions, and can discuss your own work.
The course will be taught by the members of the Peer Relations Lab at Radboud University (peerlab). Course leader is Prof. dr. Toon Cillessen.
Course credits (2ECTS) can be given for the course. Early Bird registration deadline: 1 March 2019. For more information, see: https://www.ru.nl/radboudsummerschool/courses/2019/peer-relations-interactions-childhood-adolescence/