Registration now open: CAS symposium Family Dynamics and Psychopathology of Parents and Children

We are delighted to invite you to our CAS symposium on Family Dynamics and Psychopathology of Parents and Children: Implications for Prevention and Intervention to be held on July 2, 2019. Registration is now open.

(keynote by Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck)
2 July 2019 | Het Oude TolhuysUtrecht

Program (full program)

Afternoon session: Symposium
In the afternoon session, there will be presentations on parent-child dynamics, the transmission of problem behaviors, and (best) practices to help families. Participants are invited to attend the talk by our keynote speaker Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck from Griffith University, Australia, followed by two sessions on 1) parenting and psychopathology, and 2) parenting and effective treatment. The program will end with an interactive panel discussion, followed by drinks.

Morning session: Focus groups – limited participation (early career researchers only!)

Before the afternoon symposium, we invite interested young researchers to attend one of three interactive focus groups that will connect researchers and experts. Each focus group will target one specific topic in the field of developmental psychology (see below) and is set to a maximum of 15 participants per focus group to allow in-depth exchange and discussion. Active participation is highly encouraged! You can choose between one of the following topics:

Focus group 1 – From Parenting Research to Practice.

Focus group 2 – Adapting Interventions: What is Best for Families?

Focus group 3 – Interdisciplinary Research: Integrating Different Fields and Factors.

Please note that there is only a limited number of places available for this part of the symposium (15 participants per focus group). The morning sessions will include lunch for participants and speakers.


Registration before 20 June is required. Attending the symposium is free of charge.

Please register here.

We are looking forward to seeing you all there!