UD vacancy Preventieve Jeugdhulp en Opvoeding (UvA)
The Preventive Youth Care program group (Prof. Geertjan Overbeek) at the University of Amsterdam is looking for an assistant professor.
The PYC program group is part of the Pedagogical and Educational Sciences (POW) department. POW is responsible for teaching and research in the pedagogical and educational sciences of the UvA. Employees of POW teach in the College of Child Development and Education (Bachelor) and the Graduate School of Child Development and Education (Master). The research takes place within the Research Institute of Child Development and Education and Research Priority Areas Yield and Urban Mental Health.
Education in our program group focuses on both typical and atypical development of children and adolescents, and on the role and relevance of social contexts of development (especially the family, peers, and school). In addition, there is a lot of emphasis on the current evidence base on preventive youth care in the Netherlands and internationally. The program group offers two master’s tracks (Youth at Risk, an international master, and Preventive Youth Care and Education). In addition, the program group participates in the education of the research master Child Development and Education.
Within our program group, both fundamental and practice-oriented research is carried out. The fundamental research lines focus on the entire youth phase, from childhood to adolescence and young adulthood. Our research focuses on the bioecology of development, person-environment transactions, diversity in family forms, and the role of parent-child and family and peer interactions for the socio-emotional development of children and young people. The practice-oriented research lines focus on the efficacy of family and parenting interventions, and interventions in the context of peers and school (including social skills and resilience training, and anti-bullying programs).
We are looking for an inspiring colleague who would like to further strengthen and expand these education and research lines. For more information see academic transfer, or get in touch with Geertjan Overbeek (g.overbeek@uva.nl).